
Friday, 14 December 2012

✺ saucy

a little web exclusive
these delicious little pots
for your roastie condiments
 ceramic jug with saucer and plastic spoon
ceramic pot with little silver spoon
yours for £4 each

Monday, 3 December 2012

☕ spicey nicey

we had a few requests for the recipe 
of this yummy hot spiced apple drink
so just for you .....

you will need ~ 

2 litres of cloudy apple
a thumb sized piece of ginger
a cinnamon stick
a few star anise
6 lemons
a generous drizzle of honey

pour the apple juice and about 1 litre of water
into a large saucepan
add the cinnamon & star anise
put onto a medium heat
meanwhile cut the ginger into slices
{no need to peel} and add to the pan
pare off the peel of the lemons
and add those too
bring the liquid to a gentle boil 
then simmer for 15 minutes

add the juice of the lemons
strain through a sieve and return to the pan
adding a generous squeeze of honey to sweeten
keep warm and serve
this is even tastier with a little shot of
spiced rum!

✭ Superb Sunday

our Sunday Christmas opening was a treat!
 eats and drinks {recipe soon}
 miles of smiles
and warmth from all our friends and visitors
thank you for popping by

Monday, 26 November 2012

❄❅ make a date

we're having a special Christmas
opening this Sunday
2nd December
from 1 till 5pm

come along and share a mince pie, 
some spiced apple 
then take a peep at our wares

would be woofing good to see you!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

☐ tall & slim

woof woof!
we've just dusted down these two metal 
beauties in the shop
 6feet tall and slim as you like
great for storage
hurry before they get snapped up!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

✎✏✐ community

last week was the Rochford Art Trail 
and we had a few canvas pieces by the
in the shop
dentist chairs make good easels!

Monday, 5 November 2012